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Technological progress brings unemployment fear to workers?

2018-10-21 Hits:523

It has been reported that Foxconn is developing and using mechanical arms to replace manual labor. Its announced plan is to increase more than 10 thousand robots and 100 thousand sets of automation equipment each year. This is quite a huge project, even for enterprises like Foxconn. So, instead of asking why Foxconn has invested so much in robotics, we just wonder if this will lead more manufacturers to fabricate robots instead of human labor, causing ordinary workers to lose their jobs due to robots'involvement in technology. Progressive reality produces fear.

In fact, everyone knows why Foxconn began to increase the research and development of robots, and hopes to replace the manual through robots, in addition to the reasons for the difficulty in recruiting, while reducing labor costs and management costs are also the focus of their consideration. Although laborers work in a wide range of jobs, but certainly not those who do not need to eat no rest robots. The trouble with reality is that it's not so simple to replace robots with robots.

Robots work at a lower level, and their cost is too high.

It is difficult for robotic arm to be as flexible as human body and five fingers.

In the later stage of maintenance, the manpower cost and time cost are higher.

If these three problems are solved, it will not be difficult to use mechanical arms. Foxconn employees said that in Foxconn's main mobile agent business, the main application of robots is still in the front-end high-precision patch and back-end assembly, handling links, in most of the intermediate manufacturing links, or must be completed manually.

Therefore, whether from the cost or feasibility considerations, to truly achieve full automation is a challenging task, but also a leading exploration, after all, this and automotive manufacturing, heavy industry compared to a lot of precision, but also a long time to explore. In other words, it is not easy to replace labor with robotic arms in a short period of time, and it is not necessary to fear.

Apart from domestic, small partners abroad also share similar concerns. America's manufacturing industry is the world's leading, precisely because of such competitive pressures and high labor costs, prompting enterprises to rack their brains to expand the workload and occupancy of robots, no doubt resulting in ordinary workers began to worry about their job prospects.

Now, a surprising quarter of Americans, especially poor people with an annual income of less than $30,000, are worried about the impact of technology on their employment, according to US media reports. According to CNBC's latest Al-America Economic Survey, four percent of people with an annual income of more than $100,000 have the same concerns.

When it comes to the awe of technology, one in five people with a high school degree or less worry about being robbed of their jobs by robots, compared with only six percent with a graduate degree or above. CNBC polls show that the relationship between Americans and technology is complex, with 52 percent saying that growing reliance on technology will only make life more complex, and the convenience side is not obvious at all. The same problem was only 39% considered in the 1999 survey. In fact, income and education are directly linked to concerns that the poorer and the poorer the educated are, the more they worry about the rapid development of technology and feel that they are not keeping pace with the times. It's not an empty fear, because 59% of respondents believe that Internet technology will bring efficiency to their work, but they don't feel that high-efficiency output is directly proportional to their salary. Only 35% admit that their salary has risen because of technology, and 61% of the working class have their salary. It is stagnant. Or it can be interpreted as the idea that as technology advances, people's labor force is liberated, and their incomes are largely lost because they are made by machinery. So they felt that such technological progress had no practical effect on themselves.

But one thing that is almost recognized in the United States is that technology is growing fast, too fast. Seventy percent of respondents said the pace of technological advancement was far beyond what they had imagined five years ago, with only nine percent opposing it.

Summary: From the above case, we can see that the development of science and technology has led to economic development in general, but at the same time, the contradiction between workers and scientific and technological achievements will be revealed, on the one hand, feel that their value can not be reflected, on the other hand, feel that their posts are likely to be replaced by robots at any time. And the feeling of anxiety. As a matter of fact, it is all too much to worry about. After all, in the manufacturing industry, manpower can not be completely replaced.